Brazil Natural - Tailor-made新鮮咖啡豆烘焙200g



收到訂單後新鮮烘焙,確保你品嚐咖啡豆都是新鮮的 預計收到訂單至出貨需要4-5天時間 可以跟據自己飲啡習慣,選擇合適烘焙程度 Light roast, Medium roast, Medium dark roast 三選一 咖啡豆資料: Brazil NY2 SC17/18 FC Cerrado Natural Brazil NY2 SC17/18 FC Cerrado Natural is a standard specialty quality coffee. It is dry-processed, meaning the beans are patio-dried while they are still in the cherry. Since the coffees are dried in contact with the sweet mucilage, the coffee's cup profile will be heavy in body, sweet, smooth, and complex. The 17/18 screen size has a more consistent flavor without the pungent fruit notes that can turn up in smaller screen sized beans, which is an indication of varying bean maturity. 品種:Catuai / Catura 風味: Roasted Peanut, Macadamia, Corn, Citrus nuance, Smooth ............................................ 注意事項: 可選擇順豐到付或門市自取。 以PayMe或轉數快付款 落單後,請先whatsapp / call / signal :90403117 查詢。

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